Adobe ColdFusion (2018 Release) Public Beta
We are pleased to announce the availability of public beta for Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) and Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release).
As always, we appreciate every contribution you make and provide feedback on this most awaited release of ColdFusion. Get rewarded for your contribution! Each engagement earns you points. Below is a glimpse of the rewards, you can earn based on your contributions, starting today. To learn more, visit
The Pre-release Public Beta Software does not represent final product from Adobe, and may contain bugs, errors, and other problems that could cause system or other failures and data loss. Adobe may never commercially release the Pre-release Public Beta Software. If Licensee received the Pre-release Public Beta Software pursuant to a separate written agreement, such as the Adobe Systems Incorporated License Agreement for Pre-release Public Beta Software, then Licensee’s use of the Software is also governed by such agreement. Licensee will promptly return or destroy all copies of Pre-release Public Beta Software upon the earlier of Adobe’s request or upon Adobe’s commercial release of such Software. Pre-release Public Beta Software are made available AS-IS and without warranty from Adobe.
LICENSEE’S USE OF Pre-release Public Beta SOFTWARE IS AT ITS OWN RISK. By downloading the software listed below, I acknowledge that, I have read and agreed to the terms of the ColdFusion License, the Terms of Use and Privacy.