Exciting New Features in Adobe ColdFusion 2018 Webinar by Elishia Dvorak

Here is the registration link: https://carahevents.carahsoft.com/Event/Details/63842

REST enhancements in ColdFusion

Check Out new features enhancement of REST in ColdFusion 2018. https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/using/rest-enhancements-coldfusion.html   REST PLAYGOUND Support for REST functions with component as argument Support for onRESTRequest Change in behavior of restSetResponse Easy debugging and logging Support for PATCH verb  

ColdFusion 2018 Add-on installers

ColdFusion 2018 Add-on installers are available on https://www.adobe.com/support/coldfusion/downloads.html It includes installers for: COLDFUSION (2018 RELEASE) PERFORMANCE MONITORING TOOLSET COLDFUSION (2018 RELEASE) SERVER AUTO-LOCKDOWN COLDFUSION (2018 RELEASE) API MANAGER COLDFUSION SILENT INSTALLER PROPERTIES  

ColdFusion 2018 features Webinar by Rakshith Naresh

  Learn about the new exciting features in ColdFusion 2018. Join the webinar hosted by ColdFusion Product manager Rakshith Naresh today at 8:30 AM PST. https://cf2018release07192018.meetus.adobeevents.com/ Register Now

Adobe Immerse 2018

There is still time to join me at #AdobeIMMERSE’18 for over 90 live sessions to dive into working with #Adobe Enterprise Solutions including #AdobeCloudPlatform, #AEM #AdobeI/O #AdobeSensei #ColdFusion and MORE. Get your ticket at https://adobe.ly/2JE4RWz use Code He7B52 to Save $$

ColdFusion performance issues and optimization

Performance issues are one of the biggest challenges to expect when designing and implementing web applications. Performance problems can disrupt your business, which can result in short and long term loss of revenue. The ColdFusion support team at Adobe, has dealt with several performance related issues with ColdFusion and a couple of them, around JDK 1.8 as well. Based on our experience with customers, the major performance issues could be categorized as – CPU hikes, Website crashes, Processing of slow […]

How to install ColdFusion updates manually

Sometimes, CF administrator UI update installation could fail due to permissions, lockdown guide, network restrictions etc. You can follow below instructions to apply updates manually. Navigate to https://www.adobe.com/go/coldfusion-updates (use Google chrome to view xml in the browser) Look for required update under <cfhf_downloadlink> tag. It would be listed as https://cfdownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/coldfusion/20XX/updates/hotfix-00X-XXXXX.jar Download the hotfix-0XX-XXXXX.jar and place it under ColdFusion20XX/jre/bin Open the command prompt as administrator and navigate to ColdFusion20XX/jre/bin Run the below command:           Java -jar hotfix-0XX-XXXXX.jar […]

How to enable SSL for ColdFusion Administrator running on internal ColdFusion port.

We have removed administrator access from external web server for CF 2016 for security reasons. You can access the administrator only from the internal Tomcat web server port 8500 series. Naturally, there are users who would want to make the administrator secure and enable SSL for the same.   Follow the instructions below to enable the SSL for Tomcat/ColdFusion: Generate a keystore, preferably of type PKCS12. Import your certificate to keystore. Make sure you also import the private key and […]

Installing and troubleshooting Java updates in ColdFusion

With the recent ColdFusion releases, we have come across many queries regarding Java updates. The table below shows the default Java shipped with the supported versions.  ColdFusion Version  Base Installer  Refreshed Installer  ColdFusion 2016  1.8.0_72   NA  ColdFusion 11  1.7.0_55   1.8 _25  ColdFusion 10  1.6.0_29  1.7.0_15   Now, let us look at the supported Java versions for ColdFusion 2016,11 & 10. Java Version  ColdFusion 2016  ColdFusion 11  ColdFusion 10 Java 1.8  All the updates  Update 3 and above  Update 14 and […]

How to debug server restart when ColdFusion services refuse to start normally

We have received few incidents wherein users were not able to start ColdFusion services after server reboot or while restarting the services manually. Reason: Applications dynamically generate ColdFusion files and sometimes also deletes them, but ColdFusion does not remove any old files from the cfclasses folder. {cf.root}/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfclasses If you have a huge number of websites on one ColdFusion server, it creates thousands of cfclasses depending on number of incoming requests.   Solution: Deleting all the class files of cfclasses folder […]

ColdFusion installer download issue on Linux is now fixed.

  We had several complaints from users about Akamai download manager not being able to download the ColdFusion installer on Linux machines.   We have skipped Akamai download manager for Linux and this issue has been fixed.  Here is the link to download ColdFusion : https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/tdrc/index.cfm?product=coldfusion