I am showing the custom exception for the error.For every exception it’s working proper.The problem is when i change some no’s to * operator in the url link it must show the custom exception.But it’s showing the system generate exception. please help me with this.
This is my code for which i have written to encript..bt instead of AES i need to give my value..i mean i should generate secrate key in the form of surveyId_InviteId ….help me with this this is my code: <cfset InviteArray=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]> <cfset surveyID=1> <cfset encryptArray=arrayNew(1)/> <cfloop from=”1″ to=”#arraylen(InviteArray)#” index=”j”> <cfset encryptionKey = generateSecretKey( “surveyID_InviteID” ) /> <cfset inviteandandSurvey=surveyID&InviteArray[j]> <cfset EncryptedSurveyID = encrypt(inviteandandSurvey,encryptionKey,”surveyID_InviteID”,”hex”) /> <cfset decoded = decrypt(EncryptedSurveyID,encryptionKey,”surveyID_InviteID”,”hex”) /> <cfset encryptArray[j]=”#EncryptedSurveyID#”> <cfdump var=”#encryptArray[j]#”></br> </cfloop>
I need to retrieve multiple email which is provided in the form..And for every mail i need to create unique id.please help with this.
I have to generate encrypted id to every unique id and need to attach it to my url.That encrypted id should not be repeated..can u help me with this please.
I want to display the custom errror…I am not getting how to start the code…Or how to start writing onError method,can u help me with the flow and if possible send some sample code for hadling the custom error