cf2018 LOG4J Vulnerability post hotfix?

after update is it safe to remove/rename older versions of log4j-1.x.x from server?

CF_SQL_NUMBER no longer supported in CF2018

cfsqltype, CF_SQL_NUMBER not supported in CF2018. It worked up to CF2016

Ordinals no longer support in query of query

Migrating from Cf2016 to CF2018 I discovered that CFQUERY of query results no longer support using ordinals in the order by clause.  For example, <cfquery name=”getroles” dbtype=”query”> select distinct role, role_action, sort_order from approvers order by 3 </cfquery> would sort the selection by the field sort_order up to and including CF2016.  This has to be rewritten to work in CF2018 as <cfquery name=”getroles” dbtype=”query”> select distinct role, role_action, sort_order from approvers order by sort_order </cfquery> I was unable to  find […]

CF2016, Oracle 19c and Stored Procedures Calls

Please help me identify the cause of Oracle 19c / CF2016 Stored Procedures call failures.

CFBuilder Extensions – Apptacular

How do I install/Add Apptacular and other extensions to CFBuilder 2018 now that RIAforge is gone? Thanks!