Hello CF Developers, We are planning to switch from standard login using a username and password to log in using a CAC card. My lead wrote the code below; he asked us to implement the callback functionality. <cfset requestAuth = AUTH_SERVER & “/oauth2/authorize?client_id=” & CLIENT_ID & “&redirect_uri=” & REDIRECT_URL & “&scope=openid&response_type=” & type & “&response_mode=” & responsemode & “&state=” & randomState &”&nonce=” & nonce > I think the callback functionality captures user information returned from the CAC server (authorization server). […]
Hello All, How do I place the below codes inside CFSCRIPT entirely please. The codes work fine, but I ask to refactor the cfc to be cfscript entirely my sample.cfc looks like this, component{ remote function myFunc() output= ‘false’ returnformat= ‘json’ { var myQry= queryExecute(“SELECT aColumn FROM aTable”); return myQry } Thank you very much.