Coldfusion Error handler – application.cfm

CF Server 2018 Windows Server 2012 R2 Within my Application.cfm file, I have a tag to handle web errors: <cferror type=”exception” template=”MyErrorHandler.cfm”> Within MyErrorHandler, I have a “oops … something went wrong” message with an image, and followed an email sent to the administrator (me): <cfsavecontent variable=”errortext”> <cfoutput> An error occurred: http://#cgi.server_name##cgi.script_name#?#cgi.query_string#<br /> Time: #dateFormat(now(), “short”)# #timeFormat(now(), “short”)#<br /> <cfdump var=”#error#” label=”Error”> <cfdump var=”#form#” label=”Form”> <cfdump var=”#url#” label=”URL”> </cfoutput> </cfsavecontent> <cfmail to=”” from=”” subject=”Error: #error.message#” type=”html”> #errortext# </cfmail> I have […]