Adobe logo next to staff names

Hi Adobe, IMO, there should be an Adobe logo next to staff names. That way users know if an author or commenter is an Adobe employee or not. Thanks!, -Aaron

ColdFusion Rocks!!

Hi Adobe, I was introduced to CF in v4.5 and will love it till v450.0+ . I appreciate its power/flexibility/security, and enjoy kicking its tires regularly. Allaire/Macromedia/Adobe have steadily supported/strengthened it over the years, and I respect CF’s past/present management/engineers/community . In short, CF rocks, long live CF, and cheers to Aether!! Thanks!, -Aaron

Usable search

Hi Adobe, The Portal’s search isn’t very usable. It’s limited to 7 results (thus, no pagination). It doesn’t let us filter (ex: by author/commenter or date range) or sort (ex: by creation date) the results. Maybe I’m missing something. I just don’t see any way to do a more ‘advanced’ search. Is that possible or planned? Thanks!, -Aaron

Iconography suggestion

Hi Adobe, IMO, the “Interested in API Manager in ColdFusion 2106?” icon should match the “Request For Information” icon. Both links directly solicit information from the user, thus the current pencil/paper icon is appropriate for both, IMO. (I’m referring to the links near Portal’s top-right) Thanks!, -Aaron

Please hide/remove non-CF questions from CF Portal’s “Unanswered Questions” page

Hi Adobe, I see a number of non-CF questions on CF Portal’s “Unanswered Questions” page. And quite a few “test” questions. Can you please hide/remove those? Thanks!, -Aaron