Use of SOLID principles in tackling object-oriented design dilemmas: an example

There are 5 basic heuristic guidelines in object-oriented design. They will provide you with the solution to most of the problems you’re likely to encounter when designing your components, classes and interfaces. They are: Single Responsibility Open-Closed Liskov Substitution Interface Segregation Dependency Inversion  The so-called S.O.L.I.D. principles of object-oriented design. For this article, we shall be looking at two of them in more detail: the Open-Closed Principle and Liskov’s Substitution Principle. For more information on all 5 SOLID principles, see, […]

Map, Reduce, and Filter functions in a query object in ColdFusion

In my previous blog, I had shown with examples, how you’d use map, filter, and reduce on arrays to manipulate values in an array. To reiterate, map transforms the values in an array (or struct or list), filter filters a value that satisfies a condition, and reduce reduces the values to a single value. In this blog, we shall see how to apply map, filter, and reduce functions on query objects. Map The map function iterates over each row of the […]

Axis-2 and Axis-1 compatibility issues in ColdFusion

Note: Due to the recent migration of ColdFusion blogs, some blogs were inadvertently lost during the process. We are recovering the blogs, and as we find out more, we shall republish the blogs here. This blog is one such.

Map, Reduce, and Filter functions in ColdFusion

Functional programming has gained popularity in the recent past. Using functional programming techniques, you can write code that is relatively bug-free, easier to debug and test, and easier to refactor. One of the reasons why functional programming has become popular is its ability to manipulate data structures easily and efficiently when compared to traditional methods. In this blog, we shall take a close look at the pillars of functional programming, map, reduce, and filter, and how you can use these […]