Destructuring Assignment and Property Shorthand

This blog contains details about DeStructuring Assignment.

String as Collections

This Blog post describes String as Collections. Strings are being treated as a sequence of Characters and so operations like ArrayAccess/Slicing and Member functions can be applied on a String Object.

Labelled Loops

This post contains the details about Labels support in Loops for break and continue construct.

Strict Equality/In-Equality(===/!==) Operator and SaveContent New Syntax

This post contains the usability details of Strict Equality/In-Equality Operator as well as SaveContent New Syntax.

Spread and Rest Operators

This Post describes the usability of Spread and Rest Operations.

Case Sensitive Structs

This Blog post contains details about Case Sensitive Structs, a functionality that has been implemented in Project Stratus (ColdFusion 2021) Release.