Performance Monitoring Toolset : Connecting the dots using JVM Metrics

As we know that the ColdFusion server runs on top of Java, and JVM is the engine, which helps ColdFusion do amazing things. When we talk about the performance of ColdFusion, then JVM by default becomes a major stakeholder. The Performance Monitoring Toolset provides detailed metric about JVM  as shown in the screenshot below. The list of metrics shown under JVM section are: Heap & Non-Heap memory along with distribution GC event distribution as time series Aggregation of GC Metrics […]

Topology: Bird’s eye view of ColdFusion Deployment

PMT Topology: Bird’s eye view of CF Deployment Performance Monitoring Toolset monitors provides end to end monitoring for standalone CF Server or Group of CF Servers. It captures metrics at each step of CF Server processing and displays actionable data which helps user in monitoring CF Server. It is very convenient and suitable for one standalone CF server. What do we do if we have several CF servers, Sites, CF Cluster being Monitored? How do we start in such cases, […]

Alerts and Notification

Notifications and Alerts in Performance Monitoring Toolset  Performance Monitoring Toolset provides end to end monitoring of all events happening inside ColdFusion Server. There are several ways Performance Monitoring Toolset displays metrics and aggregation over it and it helps user in getting complete picture of how healthy ColdFusion server is. Out of all these events being monitored by Performance Monitoring Toolset, there are some which need immediate attention of user. User might be genuinely (or out of curiosity) interested in knowing […]

Monitoring ColdFusion Servers

Monitoring ColdFusion Servers Performance Monitoring Toolset  provides end to end monitoring and displays actionable metrics for CF Servers. It captures several metrics and these metrics are presented in different views,charts and time-series graphs. We will look at  some frequently used metrics which will be used in day to day monitoring of CF Servers. I would like to emphasize on the concept of Global Filter in Performance Monitoring Toolset, as it is the one which decides how metrics will be aggregated […]