March 16, 2021
Webinar Series on API Creation and Management
March 16, 2021
Webinar Series on API Creation and Management

ColdFusion Developers, do you want a first hand look at publishing APIs securely and at scale? Then mark your calendars for Brian Sappey’s upcoming webinars! This seven-part series will give you a 360 degree view of the API Manager and teach you how to build RESTful APIs with Adobe ColdFusion. Everything from securing, publishing and monitoring APIs, will be covered with hands-on examples, and easy discussions.

Register now for the webinar series here.

Here are the series topics:

Topic:  Introduction to the ColdFusion API Manager and ColdFusion RESTful web services
Date: March 24th, 2021
Time: 12 PM EST
Dive right into the API Manager and its diverse features. Get a virtual walk-through of the process of constructing and maintaining APIs, with the API Manager.

Topic: ColdFusion API Manager: Create and Publish APIs with Multiple Resources
Date: March 25th, 2021
Time: 12 PM EST
Discover the many mechanisms available in the API Manager to create and publish APIs. Right from Swagger generated APIs, to manually built services, find out everything you need to know.

Topic: ColdFusion API Manager: Versioning and Lifecycle Management
April 28, 2021
: 12 PM EST
Learn how to version, manage and catalog API changes in your organization. Find out how to grow your API ecosystem in no time, by communicating with subscribers or publishers.

Topic: ColdFusion API Manager: Rate Limiting and Throttling
Date: April 29, 2021
Time: 12 PM EST
Learn how to monitor incoming requests and unwanted traffic, using the API Manager. Find out all there is to know about SLAs, rating limits by subscriber requests, and managing alerts and thresholds.

Topic:  ColdFusion API Manager: Security and How to Protect Your Organization
Date: May 13, 2021
: 12 PM EST
Get a detailed look at Adobe ColdFusion’s security standards, with respect to your APIs and the API Manager. Learn about OAuth, along with the configuration of user stores, to secure your organization’s services.

Topic: ColdFusion API Manager: API Monitoring and Alerting
Date: May 24, 2021
Time: 12 PM EST
Learn how to use analytics features, write Elastic queries, set up reports and create rich dashboards. It will also look at simple ways to build an alerting system for problematic APIs, along with real-time monitoring of errors.

Topic: ColdFusion API Manager: Policy Management and Access Controls
Date: May 12, 2021 (postponed, new date TBA)
Time: 12 PM EST
Find out how the API Manager can help you manage policies, access controls and maintain consistency in your back-end services. Also, learn how to utilize policy management and change API behavior through configurations.

Again, register for the webinars here.

Dec 21, 2022
Dec 21, 2022

Can anyone suggest where I can learn more about how to use ColdFusion(to make API calls) and React?

Apr 7, 2021
Apr 7, 2021

Hi Charlie, the API Manager videos are currently at the top of this page:

Does anyone know how I might connect with Brian to follow up with API Manager questions?



Apr 6, 2021
Apr 6, 2021

Have the recordings of the first two been posted anywhere yet?

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