February 12, 2025
cannot find implementation class coldfusion.tagext.documenttag error after updating CF server
February 12, 2025
cannot find implementation class coldfusion.tagext.documenttag error after updating CF server
Newbie 1 posts
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Sir or Madam,

We encountered an error in one of our applications after we had updated our Windows 2019 ColdFusion 2023 server to update 12 and updated all the packages.

The error displayed is:

cannot find implementation class coldfusion.tagext.documenttag for the document tag.

Can anyone assist in pointing us in the right direction to fix this problem?

Thank you so much!


1 Comment
Feb 18, 2025
Feb 18, 2025

What update had you been on before? That may be important. You can tell by looking at the cfusion/hf-updates folder. There is a folder in there for each update attempted, and a log in that for each attempted install or uninstall of that update.

If you came from before update 11, had you done the clearing of the felix-cache recommended (for some problems) in that update’s technote? Stop cf, delete the cfusion/bin/felix-cache folder, then start cf and try your test.

If that’s not the solution, look at the install log in the hf-updates folder for your update 12. Look for the count of fatalerrors and nonfatalerrors. Are they both 0?

If not, look at the coldfusion-out.log for the startup lines after that update (the update log shows the date and time the update was done). This is when package updates are done. Any errors during that startup? Any during subsequent startups?

Also, did you do the update in the cf admin or at the command line? There are pros and cons and reasons to do each. I’m just asking which you did, in case that may guide subsequent questions.

Finally, if you “just want it solved” rather than engage in back and forth here, I can help via remote screenshare consulting. We might solve this in as little as 15 minutes. More at carehart.org/consulting, including my rates, approach, satisfaction guarantee, online calendar, and more.

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