September 6, 2024
How many license we need for CF 2023 Enterprise edition if we have 8 non-prod and 17 prod servers
September 6, 2024
How many license we need for CF 2023 Enterprise edition if we have 8 non-prod and 17 prod servers
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 1 people

Hi Team,

We have CF 2018 installed in our our application on RHEL 7.9. There are some vulnerabilities which are not able to remediate in current RHEL 7.9 so we are creating a new VM in RHEL 8.

Anyone can confirm me that how many license we need for CF 2023 Enterprise edition if we have 2 non-prod VMs, 2 prod VMs and 2 DR VM in Azure Environment.

1 Comment
Sep 10, 2024
Sep 10, 2024

First, good news for you per the EULA: with CF Enterprise you can use each prod license in a single non-prod deployment: dr, stage qa, test or dev. (Note that with CF standard instead, it would be one non-prod for every two prod licenses bought.)

The EULA is shown on install, and also offered as an html file in the root of the cf folder once installed, or it can be found online. Simply search: coldfusion 2023 eula

Second, there’s more to licensing than just this simple question, especially when it comes to VMs. Again, see the EULA. It’s fairly brief and readable, as such agreements go.

Third, you could also ask Adobe directly about all this, at

You might want to clarify how the “2 non-prod VMs, 2 prod VMs and 2 DR VM in Azure Environment” in your question here turns into “8 non-prod and 17 prod servers” in your title. But again with 17 prod licenses you could have 17 nonprod deployments using those licenses, at least per the EULA.

One last point: some have reported that when it’s discovered by Adobe they are deploying on the cloud, an assertion is made (by Adobe) that the EULA (for perpetual licenses) no longer applies, and that instead a subscription model is required, with its own EULA. That info and that other EULA is not made public–not even on the page where one can buy a perpetual cf license from Adobe (, so I can’t advise further on that. You’ll want to consider talking with them about that.

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