April 21, 2024
Using Sub Domains with IIS and ColdFusion 2023
April 21, 2024
Using Sub Domains with IIS and ColdFusion 2023
Newbie 1 posts
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I am struggling to get my websites up and running using sub domains.  For example, customer1.domain.com, customer2.domain.com etc.

These sites are working in IIS using html…

https://customer1.domain.com/index.html opens c:/sites/customer1/index.html
https://customer2.domain.com/index.html opens c:/sites/customer2/index.html


https://customer1.domain.com/index.cfm opens C:/ColdFusion2023/cfusion/wwwroot/index.cfm
https://customer2.domain.com/index.cfm opens C:/ColdFusion2023/cfusion/wwwroot/index.cfm

This setup is working perfectly on my Hostek CF2018 server but I am trying to migrate to CF2023 on Azure (Media3) and I am just getting lost down a rabbit hole with this issue.

I have run the ‘Web Server Configuration Tool’ as I did in 2018 and this has displayed no errors, with all files seeing to be in place.

Has anyone else had this issue or have it working fine in CF2023?

1 Comment
Apr 30, 2024
Apr 30, 2024

There’s no known issue of a sort that should cause this. Yes, using a subdomain to access a cf site via IIS should work. The fact that it’s not working for you would suggest an iis configuration issue. First, have you run this by media3, if they’re somehow hosting this on Azure as you suggest?

Second, while your html pages work as expected, somehow the cf file requests are NOT being resolved by your iis site configuration–or they’re not being found, and cf has a little-known behavior whereby it next searches in the cf wwwroot to resolve the file request, to see if it’s there.

So you need to identify what’s amiss about your iis configuration that leads to the files not being found. And it could be literally a permissions issue, where somehow the user running the iis site (application pool) is not a user which is allowed to access the cf files.

Assuming the index.html and index cfm files are literally in the same directory as each other, as you suggest, check the security permissions for each: right-click each of the two files, choose properties, then security. Compare the permissions for each listed user. Do those permissions differ between the two files, for any user? If so, for what user?

Then assuming the site uses an app pool of the same name (which is the default iis behavior), look at the iis “application pools” page  to see what user is running the app pool for the site in question.

We can dig further based on what you find. Or perhaps someone else will take you a different direction.

(Or I can also offer direct screenshare help via remote consulting, if you may prefer that to back and forth here. And I work in as little as 15-minute increments, with satisfaction guaranteed or you won’t pay. More at carehart.org/consulting.)

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