August 23, 2023
Installing Coldfusion 2023 with Apache 2.4
August 23, 2023
Installing Coldfusion 2023 with Apache 2.4

Used old versions of Coldfusion, CF 10,  when installing Coldfusion 2023 it doesn’t ask for the server configuration tool and installs the local server. I run the web server tool for Apache and config it.  Restarted services, even restarted machine, but all I get is the error below. Logs aren’t pointing me anywhere. Thoughts?:

Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

Nov 5, 2023
Nov 5, 2023

Hi Charlie! We met ages ago at a CFUG in St. Paul MN. I always appreciate what you do for this community.

I found this page because I’m having the same experience. I’m not a hardcore server person, so a lot of this can easily get over my head. I’m just a simple coder trying to keep his local CF dev environment going, but sometimes it feels like herding cats. Something stops working (in my case CF18, through MAMP, on MacOS Sonoma, on my M1 machine) and it can take days to figure out.

There is one blog out there that has worked alright for the last 12+ years:

It seems with CF 2023 this doesn’t quite get you all the way there anymore. I was able to use your three bullet points at the top of the second link you gave to (eventually) get things up and running again, so thank you so very much!

Aug 26, 2023
Aug 26, 2023

Both things you hit do reflect changes since your cf10 experience.

First, as for the cf installer not offering to implement the external web server connector (apache or iis), that changed with cf2016.

Second, as for your error, I’m going to assume you mean that cf is indeed running and you CAN reach the cf admin (through that built-in web server at port 8500).

If so, a simple fix to try is changing the file from using localhost to using Restart apache and test again. That file is created by the wsconfig tool, and for more details on this see the similar issue raised–and diagnostics and file paths you can consider–in this other discussion:

As more background, this is due to ANOTHER change since your cf10 experience, one that hit us in March 2020, when Adobe was forced to adopt a TOMCAT change–solving the “ghostcat” security issue–as was discussed in the technotes for updates then to cf2018 and cf2016. I also elaborated on the matters here:

But let us know if the above gets you going. If not, please tell us your OS on which cf is running so we can give more specific suggestions.

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