October 8, 2024
How to Run and debug old 2012 coldfusion application
October 8, 2024
How to Run and debug old 2012 coldfusion application

Hi, we have a old legacy coldfusion application which was probably created during 2012 or older.
I can see in code it was mention it needs (SQL 2005 relational database).

We don’t know how to debug this application and fix this issue. We need some documentation on how to debug and run old coldfusion.

1 Comment
2024-10-09 03:44:40
2024-10-09 03:44:40

Running “old coldfusion” is unwise, if by that you refer to running an old version of CF. To be clear, 2012 is when cf10 came out, though your code could have been written for cf9 or 8 which were still supported and commonly used then.

But maybe by “old coldfusion” you really just mean such “old coldfusion code”. I’d argue that there’s nothing different about debugging that than debugging either much older or even much newer cf code.  So when you ask for help with this, are you perhaps saying you have no one there with experience doing that at all?

I’m afraid you’ll find little in the way of documentation to help with such debugging. Instead, debugging is a skill one develops over years of coding experience, in any language. You’ll more likely need to get help from people rather than docs.

And while there’s an active cf community (in many places, from here to Slack to Twitter/X to Facebook to Linkedin and more), you’ll likely find that slow going if you have many things to debug.

But you start out saying your concern is that the code somehow indicates (in comments?) that it “needs” sql 2005. Here again, it would be shocking to be running a db as old as that, nearly 20 years later. Microsoft stopped supporting it over a decade ago.

But some good news is that usually the sql that ran on such an old db as that would likely run just as well on a newer sql server. Here again, you’ll likely benefit greatly from someone’s direct help just setting things up (a newer cf and newer sql server), then transferring data to the new sql server (and transferring cf admin settings from the old to the new Cf version).

This is something that anyone with modest experience in such things could help you with, perhaps in a matter of hours. On your own, it could instead take days or even weeks.

If you might feel you have no choice but to seek free help, you can ask specific questions here or in those other cf communities (see cf411.com/cfsocialhelp, where I list their urls).

But if you want more direct help, I list cf consulting firms at cf411.com/cf consult. Or I am available myself (for short-term work, of hours rather than days or weeks) at carehart.org/consulting.

Hope something above is helpful.

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