I’ve been programming in ColdFusion for the past 20+ years or so and its time to move on. The Pricing model is ridiculous the support site is terrible. (It was better 20 years ago when you could click on Support and then click on Documentation) What are minor enhancements are now considered major Revisions forcing you to upgrade often even when you pay for support which I think should include free upgrades.
If adobe want to keep ColdFusion around they need to drop their pricing model down to a point where companies will pay and upgrade without batting an eye. There are too many free options that offer better support and documentation out there.
Well said, Charlie. Personally, I continue to be impressed with the progression of CF. Is it perfect…nope! Do I wish for better support and better documentation…absolutely! But overall, I appreciate and continue to be impressed with what I see as progress trending in the right direction.
That’s an opinion…and actually an old one shared by others over the years, to be sure. For everyone who’s ever decried “this is the end of cf”, there’s always after that been new or remaining users who keep on working with it, including paying for it, and some paying for support, etc.
And long after others have moved on, somehow cf remains, with new versions, constant updates, multiple yearly cf conferences (not even counting those covering both cf and lucee), etc.
So, no, it’s not yet “jumped the shark” in the doomsday sense you assert. But again, you’re not alone in your assessment. Thankfully there is lucee or entirely different platforms to choose from when you’re wanting to get off the cf train. But we who remain are not on the journey of doom that some do foresee (and others long have).
Anyway, best of luck on your new journey; perhaps you’ll even return in some years (as others have) to marvel at how CF is by then “still going strong”. (There’s no guarantee it will be, of course, but that’s true of any tech–including open source solutions.)
We who remain will indeed continue to press Adobe to improve things (like the docs). Who knows, we may even see changes in the pricing model. As a commercial product, waiting and pressing is all we can do.
Or you can vote with your feet, as you say you are doing.
It’s much like our current cultural and political moment, where it’s easy to be in a group that sees things one way (and feels and might even contend vehemently that they’re absolutely right)…while another group (perhaps an equally large population) sees things diametrically the opposite…with still other camps along the spectrum.
Each group just has to understand that their perspective is not so universally held as they may think….and those who don’t “leave” the situation just have to live within that tension, striving to improve the situation (or at least their own) however they can.
And I’m simply presenting one such alternate perspective on this matter you’ve raised. Not saying I’m right. Only time will tell. But I’ve been here just as long, and Lord willing I’ll be here still longer. As Tom Bodet used to say, “we’ll leave the light on for ya”. 🙂
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