March 19, 2024
Quick Fix for PDFg Service Authentication error after ColdFusion Migration
March 19, 2024
Quick Fix for PDFg Service Authentication error after ColdFusion Migration
Staff 15 posts
Followers: 3 people

You may have encountered a scenario where the PDFg service fails after running the migration wizard in ColdFusion and may have noticed the below error message in the logs.

Getting Started: [Thread-12] - Error in setting up authentication for PDFg services.

at coldfusion.document.PDFgCryptoUtils.processCipherWork(

at coldfusion.document.PDFgCryptoUtils.decrypt(

at coldfusion.document.PDFgCryptoUtils.decrypt(


An easy way to fix this is by copying the “” and .prikey from the “lib” folder( \ColdFusionxxx\cfusion\lib ) of the old install and replacing them on the new install. Please ensure you take a backup of existing files before replacing them. Restart the ColdFusion Add-ons and ColdFusion Application services and verify the PDFg service.

Be cautious: Replacing the above files may break the migrated DSNs and other settings, and you may have to re-import the DSN using the CAR package. Ensure that you uncheck the PDF service while creating the CAR package.



2024-04-30 19:23:48
2024-04-30 19:23:48

Thanks for pointing it out, Charlie. This error occurs only during the migration process and replacing the files may break the already migrated DSNs, requiring re-importing them. I have added a note to the blog.


2024-03-19 21:18:45
2024-03-19 21:18:45

This seems a very dangerous suggestion!

Wouldn’t it break ALL settings stored in the “new” instance which use passwords, such as datasources, scheduled tasks, cloud services, and more? They would have been encrypted with the seed originally on the new instance. Now the decryption done using the copied-in seed from the old machine should make them fail to succeed (after the restart).

Did you have any working datasources (using passwords) stored on the new instance when you tried this? And did you confirm they still worked (after the cf restart)?

Indeed, I would think copying in the old seed would also cause the admin login itself to fail–after the restart, but you wrote as if that worked for you.

Can you confirm things? I only have time now to write this, not test things. I wanted to get this out ASAP for the sake of readers. If you (or I or others) confirm that my concern is  unfounded, I will of course edit/strike out or remove my comment here.

If I’m right, then we should consider a new way to solve the problem you were addressing. Apologies if I’m wrong here. 

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