November 20, 2023
Deploying ColdFusion as EAR on Oracle WebLogic Server
November 20, 2023
Deploying ColdFusion as EAR on Oracle WebLogic Server

Installing and Configuring WebLogic Server

1–!> Launch the Weblogic installer as mentioned below from

java -jar fmw_14.

Note:- Make sure that you install the JDK that is supported by Weblogic Server,

2–>1> Click next in below screen

3–!> Select option skip updates and click next

4–!> Specify the location where you want to install WebLogic and click next

5–!> Select WebLogic Server and click next

6–!> Click next once prerequisites check is successful

7–!> Verify the Installation Summary and click next

8–!> Click on next

9–!> Select the option “Automatically Launch the configuration wizard” to configure Weblogic domain .Verify the Installation summary and click finish

10–!> Select the option “create a new domain” and click next

11–!> Select “Basic WebLogic Domain” option and click next

12–!> Enter WebLogic Admin domain password and click next

13–!> Select the required domain mode and click next

14–!> Select the options “Admin Server, Node Manager and Topology” and click next

15–!> Enter the Admin Server details and click next

16–!> Enter the Username and Password for Node Manager Credentials and click next

17–!> Enter the Managed Server details to create Managed Server and click next

18–!> Enter cluster details if needed, if not leave it blank and click next

19–!> If required create the template, if not leave it blank and click next

20–!> Enter the details for creating NodeManager and click next

21–!> Move the Servers to Machines, this is to manage the Servers from Node Manager

22–!> Verify the configuration Summary and click Create

23–!> Click next once the installation is done

24–!> Verify the Configuration details and click finish

25–!> Once the installation is done start Admin Server, Node Manager and Managed Server

 To Start Admin Server run startWeblogic.cmd from domains bin directory

 To start NodeManager run startNodeManager.cmd from domains bin directory

26–!> Once starting Admin Server and Node Manager , you can start Managed Server from Admin Console, Log in to Admin console Navigate to Environments-> Servers->Controls, select the Managed Server that need to be started and click start

27–!> Once started the status will change from Shutdown to running

Create ColdFusion EAR file by running the ColdFusion Installer

28–!> Run the ColdFusion installer as Admin and click next

29–!> Accept the License Agreement and click next

30–!> Enter the Serial Key and click next

31–!> Select “J2ee Configuration” option and select either EAR or WAR as per requirement

32–!> Specify the type of deployment and click next

33–!> Select the Profile that is required and click next

34–!> If required select the Solr, PDFG and .Net Services and click next

35–!> Select the below options if required , if not click next

36–!> If you want to access the Adds On Services remotely add the IP Address, if not leave it blank and click next

37–!> Verify the Java Side Port and .Net Side ports and click next

38–!> Select the location where you want to place the ColdFusion 2023 Archive file and click next

39–!> Select the location where you want to install AddsOn Services and click next

40–!> Select the location where you want to install DotNet Services and click next

41–!> Enter the Hostname of the Server and click next

42–!> Enter the Context root of the ColdFusion Application and click next

43–!> Enter the ColdFusion Admin username and password and click next

44–!> Select the option “Automatically check for update” if required, if not required uncheck the option and click next

45–!> Verify the installation Summary and click install button

46–!> Click next once the installation is done

Deploying ColdFusion as EAR on Weblogic Managed Server

47–!> Extract the cfusion.ear file to cfusion directory and rename the exploded cfusion directory as cfusion.ear, under cfusion.ear directory rename cfusion.war and extract to cfusion and rename the cfusion to cfusion.war directory

48–!> Login to Weblogic Admin Console page

Navigate to Deployments, click on Lock and Edit

49–!> Click install button

50–!> Choose the location of exploded cfusion.ear file and click next

51–!> Select “Install this deployment as an application” option and click next

52–!> Select the Server on which you want to deploy the ColdFusion and click next

53–!> Verify the summary and click next

54–!> Click finish to complete the deployment

55–!> Once done click on “Activate Changes”

56–!> Navigate to deployments and start the cfusion application to serve all the requests

57–!> Once started access the application using Hostname and Port of Managed Server on which it is deployed for example as mentioned below


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