June 17, 2023
Will the latest version of Eclipse (2023-06) work with ColdFusion Builder 2018?
June 17, 2023
Will the latest version of Eclipse (2023-06) work with ColdFusion Builder 2018?
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I’ve installed ColdFusion Builder 2018.  Eclipse was not already installed, so I used the stand-alone version.  I want to use SVN.  I installed Subversion through the Eclipse Marketplace.  Since the SVN connectors do not come with Subversion, I must install them separately.  I haven’t been able to install them through the marketplace (they don’t appear when I search), through the SVN tab in Eclipse preferences ( I get the error “Connector discovery completed without finding any connectors”), or when I try to install it manually using files I have downloaded (numerous cryptic errors).  So I want to try installing a newer version of Eclipse to see if that will work. I tried the “Check for Updates” option from the Eclipse Help menu and got this error:

Some sites could not be found. See the error log for more detail.
No repository found at file:/D:/Subclipse/subclipse-0.9.0/plugins/.
Unable to connect to repository http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.7.x/content.xml
Connection timed out: connect
No repository found at D:/Subclipse/subclipse-0.9.0/plugins/net.sf.subclipse/.
Unable to read repository at http://subclipse.github.io/updates/subclipse/4.3.x/content.xml.
peer not authenticated
Unable to read repository at https://subclipse.github.io/updates/content.xml.
peer not authenticated
Unable to connect to repository http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.6/content.xml/content.xml
Connection timed out: connect
Unable to read repository at http://osspit.org/eclipse/subversive-connectors/plugins/content.xml.
PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
No repository found at file:/D:/Subclipse/subclipse-0.9.0/plugins/net.sf.subclipse/.
Unable to read repository at https://subclipse.github.io/updates/subclipse/4.3.x/content.xml.
peer not authenticated
Unable to connect to repository http://community.polarion.com/projects/subversive/download/eclipse/6.0/update-site/content.xml
Connection refused: connect
Unable to read repository at https://osspit.org/eclipse/subversive-connectors/plugins/content.xml.
PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
No repository found at https://dl.bintray.com/subclipse/releases/subclipse/.
Unable to connect to repository http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.6/content.xml
Connection timed out: connect
Unable to connect to repository http://community.polarion.com/projects/subversive/download/eclipse/6.0/update-site/7/content.xml
Connection refused: connect
Unable to connect to repository http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.6.x/content.xml
Connection timed out: connect
Unable to read repository at https://osspit.org/eclipse/subversive-connectors/content.xml.
PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
Unable to connect to repository http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.8.x/content.xml
Connection timed out: connect
No repository found at file:/D:/Eclipse/eclipse/plugins/.
Unable to read repository at http://osspit.org/eclipse/subversive-connectors/content.xml.
PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
No repository found at jar:file:/D:/Subclipse/subclipse-0.9.0/plugins/net.sf.subclipse/.
Unable to connect to repository http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.10.x/content.xml
Connection timed out: connect
No repository found at jar:file:/D:/Eclipse/eclipse/plugins/subclipse.jar.

I’m thinking about uninstalling Eclipse (version 4.9.0.v20180906-1121), installing the latest version of Eclipse, and then the ColdFusion Builder plugin.  Will ColdFusion Builder 2018 work with the latest version of Eclipse (2023-06) on Windows 11?

2023-08-10 11:57:15
2023-08-10 11:57:15

Darab, did my answer below get you going?

2023-06-21 16:24:08
2023-06-21 16:24:08

You’ve really raised two different issues. I have “good news” on both.

1a) As for your first one, about trying to update subclipse, the problem there is that the tigris.org  site shutdown in 2020, which is why your call to subclipse.tigris.org was failing.

Good news there, though: use https://subclipse.github.io/updates/ instead.

1b) As for the calls to osspit.org failing with the pkix errors, that is because the Java built into CFBuilder 2018 is running Java 11.0.1, which is quite old. That old Java leads to such https connection errors all the time, even with CF. (And while the url you show in the errors is NOT using https, note that the server redirects it.) The solution for that is to be running a more recent version of 11, like the latest update which is currently 11.0.19.  That worked (I tested it).

1c) Finally, as for how to change the Java version used by CFBuilder (whether the standalone version or a plugin added to Eclipse), I cover that in the next point here (which also calls for changing the Java version used by Eclipse or CFBuilder, for a very different reason).

2) As for whether the CFBuilder 2018 Eclipse plugin can work on Eclipse 2023, I can say that I did get it working.

There is a gotcha, though: if you implement that plugin using the CFB installer, it will not only put CFB as a plugin/dropin into the Eclipse you point it to, but it will ALSO drop in a jre folder into that Eclipse folder…and that will be an old Java 11.0.1 JRE. And now Eclipse 2023 won’t run, as IT expects to run on Java 17. To solve that, you have two choices: you could remove/rename that JRE folder (within the Eclipse folder) in which case Eclipse may be able to find another you have, or you can edit the eclipse.ini (in that folder) to point to a Java 17 jre/jdk, such as:

C:/Program Files/Java/jdk-17/bin

Note that has to be two separate lines, not one (and you have to point to the bin folder, not JUST the jvm).  None of this is new to Eclipse 2023. (In the standalone CFB, one could do this in cfbuilder.ini instead.)

With that change, I was able to run CFB 2018 within Eclipse 2023, including importing/starting my localhost CF 2021 server, which allowed the RDS Dataview to see the datasources defined in my CF Admin, etc. (Of course, to have all that work does often entail proper configuration of CF itself to support RDS, etc.)

2b) Finally (on this second point about Eclipse 2023), let me clarify that Adobe may not ever formally support this combination, because CFBuilder 2018 (like CF2018) will no longer get any updates starting next month, having reached their end of life after 5 years. Also, Adobe have moved their focus for CFBuilder to the new, free CFBuilder extension for Visual Studio Code released last year, so the Eclipse-based version of CFBuilder is going the way of the dodo.

Let us know which you may try and how it goes. Otherwise, I hope the info I shared may help others also.

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