March 16, 2023
ProjectFortuna Beta & MySQL – No Go
March 16, 2023
ProjectFortuna Beta & MySQL – No Go
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

While I appreciate that I no longer have to go on a goose chase to find the jar file.   The Fortuna CLI indicates that mysql is already installed but _ not only does it not connect to HosTek’s MySQL (MariaDB ) _ the prompt when adding a fresh copy of the data source says _ mysql has to be installed separately.

Although I copied my CF2021 jar file to the new Fortuna location _ no luck.

2023-03-16 22:50:58
2023-03-16 22:50:58

<moved to be a reply to my comment below>

2023-03-16 22:45:03
2023-03-16 22:45:03

Bill, it’s technically not appropriate to be discussing the beta publicly like this. There is a discussion forum in the prerelease, and not only should you ask there for that reason, but also folks involved in the beta (in and out of Adobe) will more likely see that there versus this here.

All that said, it’s not a “no go”. I’m pretty sure it’s no different than any CF version: if you mean you are connecting to a Mysql running the COmmunity edition (versus a paid licensed edition), then you (someone) has to put a mysql connectorj jar into the cfusion/lib folder of that CF instance, then restart CF.

You don’t need to “install mysql”, though the way Oracle provides the connectorj jar you may feel like you are having to, but you can tell that installer you only want the connectorj and not all of mysql. And you can then copy that jar up to a server like at Hostek (assuming you have write authority to that cfusion/lib folder).

And to be clear, if this was shared hosting I’d think they would have taken care of this for you…but if it’s your own hosted server (as I assume would be the case for the prerelease Fortuna), then again it’s on you (as the person who installed CF) to add that needed jar. I really don’t think there’s anything new about this with regard to Fortuna.

If this works for you, please let us know. If it does not, really you should open the question in the prerelease forums. But I’m not the list police, and just as I replied to help, so may someone else–even perhaps from Adobe, with more.

Charlie Arehart
's comment
2023-03-16 22:51:48
2023-03-16 22:51:48
Charlie Arehart
's comment

BTW when you say you copied the cf2021 jar to fortuna, do you mean the connectorj jar that you had used for CF2021? That should work, sure. But if you copied any OTHER CF2021 file, that may NOT be a good idea. Feel free to elaborate, again here or if you create a new post in the prerelease forums.

One more thing: what you see “installed” is the “package” for mysql. As you may know, CF2021 introduced a new module/package-based design of CF where folks COULD choose to only install SOME modules The full installer just installs them ALL, including this mysql one. But unless I am mistaken, that does not implement the mysql connectorj jar for connecting to Mysql Community edition, any more than it did in CF2021. It just adds the other parts of CF that would be needed to use such a connection.

It can all be confusing, sure. And even more for folks who may come to fortuna having skipped CF2021. They’ll have quite a lot that’s new to get familiar with (including activation).

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