March 9, 2023
Configuring MultiSubnetFailover for Microsoft SQL Connection String in ColdFusion
March 9, 2023
Configuring MultiSubnetFailover for Microsoft SQL Connection String in ColdFusion
Staff 15 posts
Followers: 3 people

If you’re using ColdFusion 2021 and above, you’ll be happy to know that the latest versions of ColdFusion offer built-in support for multiSubnetFailover. This means you can configure your Microsoft SQL database connections to failover quickly and efficiently, with minimal impact on your applications and users.

Below are the simple steps:

Step 1: Log in to ColdFusion Administrator and navigate to the Data & Services > Data Sources page.

Choose “Other” as the driver type and Enter a name for your data source

Step 2:  Specify the below connection string:

JDBC URL:  jdbc:macromedia:sqlserver://Listner-Name: PORT;databaseName=XXXXXX;

Driver Class:  macromedia.jdbc.MacromediaDriver
Driver Name: Microsoft SQL
User Name: XXXXXX
Password: XXXXXXX

Click “Submit” to save your changes.

That’s it! You’ve configured a Microsoft SQL-based DSN with multi-subnet failover in ColdFusion.

2023-12-14 23:35:26
2023-12-14 23:35:26

Vikram, is there any particular reason you show (and suggest one must) use an “other” driver type, when this is using the Adobe-provided (macromedia / datadirect) driver?

Couldn’t this MultiSubnetFailover=true be set simply in the connectionstring field under advanced settings for the “regular” built-in “Microsoft SQL Server” datasource driver type, which uses that driver you’re pointing to?

I don’t see any reason why it would not work, and it would certainly be easier for folks. But I’m not setup currently to test that specific SQL Server feature. Has anyone else perhaps found that it worked just fine as a connectionstring field instead of creating an “other” driver?

Charlie Arehart
's comment
2023-12-20 15:41:16
2023-12-20 15:41:16
Charlie Arehart
's comment

Vikram? anyone else?

2023-03-13 14:12:26
2023-03-13 14:12:26

Hi James,

I will check and get back to you.





2023-03-10 23:25:46
2023-03-10 23:25:46

We’ve been using the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server since CF10 so that we could access SQL Servers that weren’t supported by Adobe at that time.  We’re still using it and I noticed that it supports “setMultiSubnetFailover”

The Microsoft documentation mentions “applicationIntent”.  Is this feature also supported by the Macromedia-branded SQL driver?

James Moberg
's comment
2023-12-14 23:31:32
2023-12-14 23:31:32
James Moberg
's comment

James, yes, the applicationintent field has been available in the “Advanced settings” section of the DSN setup for a CF Sql Server driver since it was added in CF2016. And yes, that’s with (and only with) the Adobe-provided driver. To use it with the MS driver, you’d set it as a connectionstring instead.

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