- Start with New Excel file
- Rename sheet1 to “interview”
- Save as “xlsx” named “testMaster”
- Save as “xls” name “oldExcel”
- Run CF below, then open each. “xls” will autocalc cells properly. “xlxs” WILL NOT- Cells display as “0” although formula is correctly embedded and does calc with keystroke “cntrl-alt-f9”
<cfset DummyID = randrange(12345,99999)>
<cfset excelFileToUse = “dldExcel.xls”>
<cfset excelFileToUse = “d:testMaster.xlsx”>
<cfset fileExt = listLast(excelFileToUse,”.”)>
<cfset CompanyLink = “HYPERLINK(“”http://localhost/customers/customer.cfm?customerID=156″”,””My Company””)”>
<cfset contactLink = “HYPERLINK(“”http://localhost//customers/customer.cfm?customerID=156″”,””Johnny Walker””)”>
<cfset quoteLink = “HYPERLINK(“”http://localhost/quotes/oldquote.cfm?quoteID=15263″”,””15626″”)”>
<!— Read QUOTE Sheet —>
<cfset SpreadsheetObj = SpreadSheetRead(excelFileToUse)>
<cfset SpreadsheetSetActiveSheet(SpreadsheetObj, “interview”)>
<!— Hard code variable rather than using CF variable. NO difference —>
<cfset SpreadsheetSetCellFormula(SpreadsheetObj, ‘HYPERLINK(“http://localhost/customers/customer.cfm?customerID=156″,”My Company”)’, 1,2)>
<!— Use CF variable. NO difference —>
<cfset SpreadsheetSetCellFormula(SpreadsheetObj, contactLink, 2,2)>
<cfset SpreadsheetSetCellFormula(SpreadsheetObj, quoteLink, 3,2)>
<!— Try some basic math to see if formulas carry over, xlsx no good —>
<cfset SpreadsheetSetCellFormula(SpreadsheetObj, ‘134+442’, 1,3)>
<cfset SpreadsheetSetCellFormula(SpreadsheetObj, “154*342”, 2,3)>
<cfset SpreadsheetSetCellFormula(SpreadsheetObj, “14/62”, 3,3)>
<cfset SpreadsheetSetColumnWidth(SpreadsheetObj, 2, 24)>
<cfset SpreadsheetSetColumnWidth(SpreadsheetObj, 3, 24)>
<!— Write excel file based on what version of Excel was read in.
.xls – autocalculates correctly when opening file as advertised.
.xlsx- NO autocalculation. Cells DISPLAY as “0” BUT formula IS embedded into cell properly. Cntrl-Alt-F9 (calc sheet) WILL calculate formulas correctly.
<cfset spreadsheetwrite(SpreadsheetObj, “d:temp#DummyID#.#fileExt#”)>
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