If you may not have heard the news or noticed it on the Adobe CF Certification page, the price is now listed as only US$149.
If you’ve not seen or heard anything about the “new” CF certification, it is greatly improved over the one from several years ago (which was just an exam). The new certification process entails about 20 hours of 50+ recorded videos and exam prep materials, in addition to the exam. It was first rolled out at CF Summit 2019 as a live day-long training event, but now it’s entirely online.
Even if you don’t “need” certification, you may still be find value in the training–which covers more modern forms of development. Again, see the web page above for more, or see this CFAlive podcast (and its transcript online) from back in 2019 when it first came out, which covered it in far more detail, including details about the topics (at least as covered in the version then, but I don’t think it’s changed much).
Many people who took the course praised the quality of the training and the videos (done mostly by Nolan Erck, who also wrote about the cert program when it was created), so I really recommend folks check out the program, especially at the lower price and since it is indeed entirely online now.
The news about the price reduction has been shared for a couple of weeks on the Ortus Modernize or Die podcast, and if you’re not listening to that, it’s another great way to keep up on news in the CF/CFML world. I just noticed that there’d not been any post here from Adobe about it, so I wanted to share the news and the additional links.
For more blog content from Charlie Arehart, see his posts here as well as his posts at carehart.org. And follow him on Twitter and other social media as carehart.
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