Can we use ColdFusion 2018 in Windows 2019 Server OS?
Due to a server crash, we need to re-deploy a Coldfusion application, written with CF10, to a virtual server running 2019, IIS. Can we use ColdFusion 2018 in Windows 2019 Server OS? Will the CF18 support all functions used in our original application? I need to order the ColdFusion 2018 software soon. Please reply with your comments. Any advice will be appreciated.
Carlos Coronel
IT Resources Director
Jones College of Business
Middle TN State University
Welcome, Carlos. Lots to consider here:
- Yes, cf2018 will run on server 2019. I have done it.
- As for whether your cf10 app will “just run” on cf2018, no one can say. You’ll need to test it. There are indeed changes (in the cf11 and cf2016 you are skipping as well as the cf2018 you would be moving to) which CAN have compatibility issues, but there MAY also be none for you.
- I just helped someone make a similar jump last week (from 11 to cf2021) and they had no problems.
- Others found their app wouldn’t run at all–though I’ve never seen it be so onerous as to be impossible or even a lot of work to resolve. Even then it may be only one (rather global) thing.
- Again, testing is the best way to know. You can use the free cf trial or developer edition to do that without paying.
- Finally, you say you plan to buy cf2018. Note that Adobe no longer sells it. Once a new version comes out, they stop selling the old one and stop offering publicly the download for that old one.
- So you may as well proceed to cf2021. Fwiw, it got its first update last month, so is no longer a “. 0” release, also having been out now for 5 months.
- If you want help with all this, I can help directly, remotely (often in only minutes rather than hours for any one problem. More at Or I will try to help here along with others, of course.
Hope that’s helpful.
Thank you very much for your extensive answer. Yes, I agree with you, we will have to test and cross our fingers there are no major changes. I wish Adobe were a little more flexible in general, I also deal with Adobe draconian licensing agreements, they are a very difficult company to deal with. I wish ColdFusion would have ended up in a different company. I love the ColdFusion product’s simplicity and ease of use. I am having a difficult time just finding a reseller that works with higher education state universities. Once I get ColdFusion installed and working, I will let you know if I need your professional help.
Thanks again.
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