April 13, 2021
Congrats to Mark Takata, the new Adobe CF Technical Evangelist
April 13, 2021
Congrats to Mark Takata, the new Adobe CF Technical Evangelist
ColdFusion troubleshooter
Guide 146 posts
Followers: 120 people

Mark TakataLet’s all offer a hardy welcome to our new Adobe ColdFusion Technical Evangelist, Mark Takata.  It’s great to see Adobe creating (recreating) that position.

I’m pretty sure that the last formal CF “evangelist” (with that name as their title) was Terry Ryan (about 10 years ago), and before that Adam Lehman (who later became Product Manager). And while Elishia Dvorak did indeed work AS an evangelist for CF, though her title was Technical Marketing Manager (she has moved over to the Adobe Document Services group, where Ray Camden is working, now back with Adobe). What goes around, comes around. 🙂

Mark has shared (privately, for now) how excited he is to take on the new role. He has big plans, and does expect to blog here as well as communicate more broadly on behalf of CF in many ways and places, so we can expect to hear from him in time.

(I caught the news of the role being filled via LinkedIn’s feature to share news about job changes for contacts.)

And I could have left this news to be for him to share here, but I realize that with a new job, something like doing a post here (in the near term) could fall down the priority list, until he gets up to speed. And I didn’t want to presume that someone else from Adobe would necessarily have shared the news.

It’s indeed good news, for the CF community to celebrate, so I wanted to share it! Finally, Mark is on twitter @MarkTakata.

For more blog posts from Charlie Arehart, see his posts here as well as his posts at carehart.org. And follow him on Twitter and other social media as carehart.

2021-04-14 00:02:11
2021-04-14 00:02:11

On Mark’s Twitter account, he states to follow him at MarkTakata for CF-related info. (There’s too much political stuff on his regular account.)

Yo, if you follow @adobe  @coldfusion or otherwise have an interest in that language you will want to follow my account @MarkTakata just trust me on this OK thanks love you all but especially


James Moberg
's comment
2021-04-14 00:58:30
2021-04-14 00:58:30
James Moberg
's comment

Thanks, James. I’ve corrected the post.

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