The official Adobe ColdFusion docker images have been updated to use the latest version of ColdFusion: CF2021.
My docker images were becoming a little bit of a mess lately so I decided to clean out the fridge and purge everything to let it rebuild from scratch. I executed:
docker system prune -a docker volume prune docker network prune
…just to make sure I was starting from scratch. Next I went into one of my current projects that uses the Adobe ColdFusion Docker images and ran:
docker-compose up -d
Finally, I navigated to and saw an error I wasn’t quite expecting.
After several expletives and asking myself “what fresh hell is this?” I clued in… the “latest” version of the Adobe ColdFusion Docker images must have been updated to ColdFusion 2021, where mail functionality isn’t installed by default! I double checked my docker-compose.yml file and sure enough it contains a line that reads:
This means that when I refreshed, it pulled CF2021. So just a heads up… they’ve been updated.
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