July 15, 2020
CF Summit Fall 2020 will be online, free
July 15, 2020
CF Summit Fall 2020 will be online, free
ColdFusion troubleshooter
Guide 146 posts
Followers: 120 people

If you’ve not noticed, the portal here has been showing a new “event” link for the Fall 2020 CF Summit, indicating that it will be online (and free) this year, to be held in November. You can see more and signup at


There is a FAQ at the bottom of the page that indicates that it will be free, though the page currently offers no specific date. And while it has menus at the top for speakers and sponsors, those are from last year (for now).

I suspect we will see an official blog post from Adobe with more, at some point.

Indeed, I had held off posting even this since noticing the “event” a couple of weeks ago, figuring they would. But since some readers may not notice the event section (on the right of all posts, or on the front page at https://coldfusion.adobe.com/), I thought it worth offering at least this brief post as a heads-up.

If you have more questions, that FAQ also offers an email address for you to ask questions.

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