November 6, 2019
ColdFusion Builder 2018 – Datasource ‘XXX’ could not be found.
November 6, 2019
ColdFusion Builder 2018 – Datasource ‘XXX’ could not be found.
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

I installed ColdFusion 2018 on our Windows 2012 sandbox server with SQL Server 2012 Express installed.  I am able to configure several datasources using the CFAdmin which shows OK as the status.  But when I try using the connection in a cf page from CFBuilder, I get the error,

Datasource AP2 could not be found.

The error occurred in D:/ColdFusionBuilder2018/ColdFusion/cfusion/wwwroot/CFTest1/TestDB.cfm: line 3
1 : // script
2 : <cfscript>
3 :     myquery = QueryExecute('SELECT * FROM artists', [], {datasource = 'AP2'});
4 : </cfscript>
5 :

The datasource does exist and shows valid, also SQL Server is configured to allow TCP/IP connections:

Can anyone suggest what could be stopping the CF code from seeing the datasource?  BTW, I am using a named server:  “1029823-SANDBOXSQLEXPRESS” instead of the as the Server in the configuration.

Thanks in advance for any help!

1 Comment
2019-11-18 09:42:07
2019-11-18 09:42:07

Can you double check the name in the admin against your code ? What about if you setup the data source using Application.cfc instead ?

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