October 22, 2019
After Upgrading to Update 5 on CF2018, pages randomly won’t load.
October 22, 2019
After Upgrading to Update 5 on CF2018, pages randomly won’t load.
Newbie 49 posts
Followers: 42 people

Question… since upgrading to Update 5 on CF 2018, I’m randomly getting this screenshot when loading CF pages.

Refreshing the page makes it load properly.  I’ve re-run the wsconfig.exe.  It’s on a Windows Server 2019 AWS EC2 instance running IIS 10 and CF 2018.  Has anyone else run into this problem?  Any suggestions on where I should troubleshoot?

2019-10-29 14:36:03
2019-10-29 14:36:03

David, did either of the above solve your problem? I and dwaltermys each replied with different ways to get to the same solution (but because of this blog’s moderation of comments).

If it did not help, then you ought to add a comment to the tracker ticket and the blog post, so that Adobe can help you (and others who are asserting these are “not fixing their problem”).


Charlie Arehart
's comment
2019-11-01 17:02:44
2019-11-01 17:02:44
Charlie Arehart
's comment

Sorry… was taking some time off.  Replacing the .dll file with the version supplied by Adobe resolved my issue!

David Byers
's comment
2019-11-01 22:39:50
2019-11-01 22:39:50
David Byers
's comment

Great to hear. Thanks for the update.

2019-10-22 19:38:37
2019-10-22 19:38:37

First thing, David: you refer to re-running the wsconfig, but that won’t get you the latest available connector DLL. The one released with update 5 had a bug (a couple, it seems). You need to get an updated dll, from Adobe. And despite the blog post title not seeming to relate to your need, see this post:


Let us know if that helps.

Beware also that if you DO re-run the wsconfig tool, that will cause an OVERWRITE of this updated DLL, and will put back in place the original one from update 5.

If that updated DLL does NOT help, then the next question is to wonder if you are merely in need of connector tuning. Since CF2016, the default connector settings are suited only to 2 sites sharing a connector (and there being only one connector). If you have either more than one connector, or more than two sites sharing a connector, you should consider the tuning that Adobe discusses in this 2014 post, still as valid today as when it was written for CF11:


If you struggle still, I can help via consulting, of course (if somehow I can’t answer questions here).

2019-10-22 19:26:20
2019-10-22 19:26:20

Sounds like this bug – https://tracker.adobe.com/#/view/CF-4205361

We had the same issue, there is a fix available listed in the comments

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