January 30, 2019
ColdFusion Events in 2019
January 30, 2019
ColdFusion Events in 2019

We have a lot of ColdFusion events planned for 2019. We start off with Roadshows in February covering Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. These would be breakfast events and you could register online at https://coldfusion-roadshows.meetus.adobeevents.com/.

ColdFusion team would also be present at the World’s Largest Developer Expo at Developer Week in Bay Area from Feb 20 – 24. If you are in the area please feel free to drop by our booth.

Adobe ColdFusion Summit East

The fourth annual ColdFusion Summit East is going to be held on April 9 – 10 at Hotel Renaissance, Washington D.C. This is a complimentary event, register soon at https://carahevents.carahsoft.com/Event/Details/75534-webevent as seats are filling up fast.

Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2019

The seventh annual ColdFusion Summit would be held at The Mirage, Las Vegas from September 30 – October 2. Registration would open soon.

1 Comment
2019-10-04 14:54:42
2019-10-04 14:54:42

Any chance of a CF ‘breakfast meetup’ event in London to complement the three that are taking place in Paris Brussels and Rome?

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