October 11, 2018
Attending ColdFusion Summit 2018 was worth my while
October 11, 2018
Attending ColdFusion Summit 2018 was worth my while
Aviation, Aeronautics,  Aerospace Enthusiast, Firefighter (Volunteer)
Newbie 4 posts
Followers: 5 people

I’ve been programming with ColdFusion full time since 2000 and I finally attended a summit at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas this year (2018).

The developers were treated quite well and the benefits outweight the fees for certain.   So, I expect I will return again.

After submitting my suggestions to a handful of engineers and the product development crew with Adobe, they strongly suggested I join the CF Community, so here I am!

If I can be of service, I’ll put my two cents in.

Regards community!

J. Brodeur

1 Comment
2018-10-15 17:38:25
2018-10-15 17:38:25

I saw this post on https://www.coldfusionbloggers.org.


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