June 18, 2018
Hugs for Ray Camden (cfjedimaster’s wife Jeanne died May 23rd)
June 18, 2018
Hugs for Ray Camden (cfjedimaster’s wife Jeanne died May 23rd)
Host CF Alive podcast, founder CFUnited, CEO TeraTech
Newbie 41 posts
Followers: 18 people

Ray Camden’s wife Jeanne who died suddenly on May 23rd, 2018. Ray has been known in the ColdFusion world as cfjedimaster for many years.

I felt sad reading this devastating news. Losing a life partner is hard. It sucks, actually.  I lost my life partner, Liz, in 1993 from cancer. I was depressed for at least 9 months afterwards. Just going through the motions of going to work, eating, watching TV and sleeping. It took me years to process it fully.

Adobe ColdFusion community cfjedimaster

Ray has been very active in the CF community over the last 20 years that I have known him:

  • Blogging at https://www.raymondcamden.com/
  • Speaking at dozens of ColdFusion conferences
  • Appearing on CF podcasts including the  CF Alive podcast
  • Contributing to many ColdFusion open source projects
  • And helping out other CFers in forums and in person.

While Ray is using other technologies in his main job these days, he continued to speak at CF conferences and do CF side work.

The last time we’ve met was at Into The Box 2017 in Houston TX

(photo of me and Ray at ITB)

He was a top rated speaker at CFUnited for all 11 years it ran.

Help Ray Fundraiser

With Jeanne gone he no longer will be traveling for work to conferences. He will be staying at home in Lafayette, LA with his 7 children

(Photo of Ray, Jeanne and 6 of their children)

I am amazed at how much energy he has for programming (and his hobby obsession Star Wars :-). It was so nice to see that the community felt that it was time to give some of that energy back to him. Long time CFer and speaker Todd Sharp set up a fundraiser to help Ray and his family. Already over $45k has been raised by 425 people.

I am sending light and love to Ray and his family. I hope to see him again in CF podcasts and maybe one day back at conferences.

You have so many friends Ray, and we all feel for you and your family.



1 Comment
2018-06-21 19:24:54
2018-06-21 19:24:54

Wow, such tragic news. I’ve met Ray a few different times at CF conferences but never met his wife. I cannot imagine losing the love of my life and having to be a single parent at the same time. Thoughts and prayers go out to him and the children.

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