June 14, 2018
ColdFusion (2018 release) Public Beta Refreshed Installers
June 14, 2018
ColdFusion (2018 release) Public Beta Refreshed Installers
Staff 45 posts
Followers: 37 people

We are pleased to announce refreshed installers for Windows for ColdFusion (2018 release) Public Beta. This update follows the last Public Beta released on April 2018.

See the release notes here.

This update contains the following:

  • Auto-discovery of nodes in Performance Monitoring Toolset
  • Updated text in Server Lockdown installer screens
  • More than 120 bug fixes

For more information, see the blog, Adobe ColdFusion (2018 Release) Public Beta.

2018-06-20 21:47:33
2018-06-20 21:47:33

Hi All,

These CF2018 Public Beta installers have been re-refreshed about 14 hours ago:

– ColdFusion Windows installer
– Performance Monitoring Toolset Windows installer
– Automated Lockdown Windows installer

CF build# changed from 2018.0.0.310409 to 2018.0.0.310608.

The refreshed PMT was an old version missing the auto-discovery, so these were re-refreshed. Auto-discovery works sweet!


2018-06-20 16:51:34
2018-06-20 16:51:34

Just a note, you can always test the latest 2018 beta with CommandBox with this command:

> start cfengine=adobe@2018-beta

This requires no installation or download. If you were on the private alpha/beta note that all public beta builds have been on the standard “adobe” package, and not the private slug I had distributed on the private prerelease forums.

's comment
2018-06-20 16:55:43
2018-06-20 16:55:43
's comment

Good point, Brad. But we should clarify, for the sake of those perhaps not familiar with CommandBox, that it’s not that *no* download of the engine would be needed. Your point (I assume) is that they don’t need to do the download from Adobe using normal browser-based downloads and installation. Instead the download and “installation” would happen the first time the engine was initiated in CB.

Or might you want to make any further clarification?

Charlie Arehart
's comment
2018-06-20 16:59:31
2018-06-20 16:59:31
Charlie Arehart
's comment

Yep, that’s correct Charlie. The engine is downloaded, but it’s done for you in the background without any effort from you and without touching a browser window, logging in, signing your life away, or running an installer 🙂 And of course, this assumes you have CommandBox already, but it’s a single standalone binary that you can grab via HomeBrew, APT, YUM, or Choco. Once you have box.exe, it’s just one line of code and we even open the browser for you once the server has started. It doesn’t get any easier than that 🙂

And to be clear, the reason I posted this here was because I found out via an E-mail that there was some confusion with some members of the Adobe team where they were still using the private prerelease package for testing which is a very old build of 2018. I wanted to clarify that all of the public beta builds have been on the public ForgeBox “adobe” slug.

's comment
2018-06-20 17:02:55
2018-06-20 17:02:55
's comment

Oh sure, and the observation was appreciated (by me). There are people who still don’t know about CB at all, or know of it but never used it, or have it but wouldn’t think you’d already have an engine for the CF2018 beta (and the refreshes, even!)

So it’s definitely worth the mention. But again I was just clarifying more for those not familiar with it that it’s not that “no download” is required, at all. That would be truly magical! As it is, CB is still magical, and good of you to offer there a reminder of still more reasons people should consider it.

2018-06-14 21:35:33
2018-06-14 21:35:33

Could Adobe promote the refresh on Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn?

2018-06-14 21:17:53
2018-06-14 21:17:53

Hi Saurav,

Thanks very much! I’ve mentioned this in Slack w/ a link back to this discussion.


P.S. I’ve created some discussions recently that are still “awaiting moderation”. Any way to reduce the moderation delays? 🙂

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