October 5, 2016
Installing and troubleshooting Java updates in ColdFusion
October 5, 2016
Installing and troubleshooting Java updates in ColdFusion
Staff 11 posts
Followers: 3 people

With the recent ColdFusion releases, we have come across many queries regarding Java updates. The table below shows the default Java shipped with the supported versions.

 ColdFusion Version  Base Installer  Refreshed Installer
 ColdFusion 2016  1.8.0_72   NA
 ColdFusion 11  1.7.0_55   1.8 _25
 ColdFusion 10  1.6.0_29  1.7.0_15


Now, let us look at the supported Java versions for ColdFusion 2016,11 & 10.

Java Version  ColdFusion 2016  ColdFusion 11  ColdFusion 10
Java 1.8  All the updates  Update 3 and above  Update 14 and Above
Java 1.7  Not Supported  Update 2 and earlier  Update 8 and Above
Java 1.6  Not Supported  Not Supported  Update 7 and earlier


Once the support for a major version of Java is added, it also covers all the minor/sub versions.


Upgrading to Java 1.8:

  1. Download the latest version of Java from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html. Please make sure that you download 64-bit Java for 64-bit ColdFusion and 32-bit Java for 32 bit ColdFusion.
  2. Run the installer to install Java.
  3. Take a backup of jvm.config(located at <cf_install_root>cfusionbin)
  4. To change from ColdFusion’s default Java, modify the Java home url in either jvm.config or in ColdFusion administrator (Settings ->Java and JVM -> Java virtual machine path).
  5. Restart ColdFusion after making the changes.
  6. To verify the update, log in to ColdFusion Administrator and see verify the newer Java version .

If you are using Web Services, please do the following:

  1. Take a backup of tools.jar from {cf_install_home}/cfusion/lib/
  2. Copy tools.jar from {JDK8_Home}/lib to {cf_install_home}/cfusion/lib/
  3. Clear the stubs from {cf_install_home}/cfusion/stubs/ to get the newly compiled classes.


Note: Any SSL certificates added to the previous JDK will also need to be re-added to the new JDK (cacerts) file.

You can use Java keytool tool located in Javajre1.8.0_XXbin to import the certificate.  You can use the below command:

keytool -import -alias name -keystore Javajre1.8.0_XXlibsecuritycacerts -file mycert.cer


Java upgrade issues and troubleshooting

  1. If you are unable to start ColdFusion after the Java update:
  • Check the location of Java home in jvm.config.
  • The Java auto-update modifies the Java install directory location, which causes failure to ColdFusion start. Disable the java auto upgrade.
  • Try starting ColdFusion from command line to see specific errors. If the error is "Error loading: C:Program FilesJavajdk1.X.Xjrebinserverjvm.dll", then copy the msvcr100.dll file to <cf_install_root>/cfusion/bin from {JDK8_Home}/bin (for Windows OS).
  1. After importing certificates, if you have issues related to SSL, then you need to enable debugging for SSL. Take a backup of jvm.config at ColdFusioncfusionbin and add -Djavax.net.debug=all under the “Arguments to VM” in jvm.config. This would require a CF service restart. The argument would append the debugging info to the coldfusion-out.log at ColdFusioncfusionlogs.


2020-03-03 14:27:32
2020-03-03 14:27:32

What is the latest Java version support for CF 10 enterprise with all the latest patches applied to it? New to cf and java versions are confusing to me… Java 8 vs. joke 1?x etc,., what is the difference! Thanks


's comment
2020-03-04 13:34:54
2020-03-04 13:34:54
's comment

Lawrence, since cf10 is no longer updated (since 2017), the latest Java it supports is Java 8.

I have a table listing all the cf and Java versions, within a post on updating Java in cf:


Hope all that may help with the common confusion you’re lamenting.

2018-11-12 21:10:42
2018-11-12 21:10:42

What is the latest version supported by CF 11? Where can I find this information? I’m also interested to find out if CF2018 will support using Java 11.

's comment
2018-11-13 13:15:44
2018-11-13 13:15:44
's comment

Java 1.8 is supported by CF11.

For CF2018 future java update policy, please see below blog:


2016-10-07 15:56:10
2016-10-07 15:56:10

Paolo, as Charlie mentioned that we refreshed the installer after we released update 3 for ColdFusion 11 and the new installer had update 3 built-in with JDK 1.8.0_25. The installer which you are using is the first installer that we released. On that installer, the JDK version that we shipped was 1.7.0_51.

Please let us know in case you have any issue upgrading JDK on your server.

2016-10-06 03:00:32
2016-10-06 03:00:32

In my native version of CF11 I’ve the JVM version 1.7.0_51

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