May 25, 2016
Adobe ColdFusion survey for the next version
May 25, 2016
Adobe ColdFusion survey for the next version
Staff 109 posts
Followers: 40 people

As you are probably aware, we are in the planning stage for the next version of ColdFusion. You may have already seen a blog post asking you to submit your wishlist for the next version.

This post is about a survey that will give Adobe valuable information about your usage of ColdFusion. Please take a few minutes to take this survey and provide your feedback. The data from the survey will be used to validate a set of hypothesis about the usage of ColdFusion. This will eventually help us build a great next version of ColdFusion, codenamed Aether.

Thank you for your valuable time. Here is the survey link again.

2016-05-31 13:12:10
2016-05-31 13:12:10

I’d have to agree with Roland. The questions do seem like they are holding back a bit from the core concerns of the CF buyers & developers.

– CF Enterprise cost vs what you get back in allowed cores/websites hosted have been major gripes, and are totally unmentioned. Many have complained that CF is tailoring to enterprise/gov only use cases.
– No direct questions on cloud vs self hardware. There was one but it was asked around SaaS, so it would never give a clear picture. It was also all or nothing not multi-selection.
-No questions on opinions of CF Marketing & the community resources.

I give them some credit for asking about license clarity though. Many have expressed concerns over all the catches in the EULA. Clarity and happiness are two different things though.

2016-05-31 11:25:47
2016-05-31 11:25:47

They’re going to push mobile again if I can read through the lines on the survey. Also, some of these questions and answers have such a bias it’s surprising. It seems like the feature set is developed and you are confirming you made good choices with some of these questions.

“Why is improving performance of applications an important consideration for you?” Who told you it was? Frankly, it isn’t on my radar.

2016-05-30 13:55:59
2016-05-30 13:55:59

I hope the backward compatibility works better this time.

2016-05-27 09:27:26
2016-05-27 09:27:26

@Shawn I agree, maybe they were going for a retro 90’s design? Trying to be ironic or something lol

2016-05-26 14:16:27
2016-05-26 14:16:27

Hi Rakshith,

Just submitted. Thanks for putting this survey together!


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