A while ago I started a series of blog posts on Language Enhancements in ColdFusion Splendor and today, taking it forward, I am going to write about built-in ColdFusion functions being promoted to first class objects.
A first class object is the one which could be passed as an argument to a function call, assigned to a variable or returned as a result of a function invocation. So by promoting built-in functions to first class objects, you will be able to treat ColdFusion functions (structInsert, arrayLen, listFind) as objects and hence you can:
- Pass them as arguments to a function call
- Assign them to variables
- Return them as a result of a function invocation
Here is a very simple example showing how you can pass built-in functions as an argument:
<cfscript> function convertCaseForArray(Array array, function convertor) { for (var i=1; i <= arrayLen(array); i++){ array[i] = convertor(array[i]); } return array; } // lcase built-in function is being passed as callback. resultantArray = convertCaseForArray(['One', 'Two','Three'], lcase); writedump(resultantArray); </cfscript>
In the above example, lcase built-in function is directly being passed as an argument to convertCaseForArray, which was not allowed till ColdFusion10. Now, let’s see an example where the lcase and ucase built-in functions are being returned from the getConvertFunc function based on the type:
<cfscript> function convertCaseArray(Array array, String caseTo) { caseConvertFunc = getConvertFunc(caseTo); for (var i=1; i <= arrayLen(array); i++){ array[i] = caseConvertFunc(array[i]); } return array; } function getConvertFunc(String caseType) { if(caseType == 'lower') return lcase; else return ucase; } resultantArray_lower = convertCaseArray(['One', 'Two','Three'], "lower"); resultantArray_upper = convertCaseArray(['One', 'Two','Three'], "upper"); writedump(resultantArray_lower); writedump(resultantArray_upper); </cfscript>
In the above example, getConvertFunc returns the convertor for the right case.
Stay tuned for more posts on language enhancements!
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