We updated the ColdFusion 10 Mandatory Update bits on Nov 21, 2013. This has been done to implement certain internal changes in the code signing mechanism.
Users who are on ColdFusion 10
Update 8 and above are not affected by this change. They need not reapply the Mandatory Udpate. Users on Update level 7 and below can follow this article to reapply the Mandatory
Users on a new ColdFusion 10 installation (build number 282482 or 283922) should apply the Mandatory Update.
Users who need to install updates older than Update 8, can reference this article to download and install the required update.
Thank you for the observation, Michael.
The ColdFusion 10 Update help articles have been updated to reflect the prerequisite information correctly.
The correction is as follows:
“If you have not already applied ColdFusion 10 Mandatory Update, apply it first. This step is not required if you have ColdFusion 10 Update 8 or above.”
I Apologize for the delay in responding to your query.
The latest Hotfix page appears to contain misleading information:
If you have not already applied ColdFusion 10 Mandatory Update, apply it first. This step is not required if ColdFusion 10 build number is greater than 282462.
Is this correct? It would appear to contradict the info given both here and on the mandatory update page itself.
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