March 1, 2012
ColdFusion 10 – Overview of Advanced Features of Scheduled Tasks
March 1, 2012
ColdFusion 10 – Overview of Advanced Features of Scheduled Tasks
Newbie 12 posts
Followers: 0 people

In coldfusion 10 Scheduled Tasks framework has been revamped and many more advanced features have been added.

Now Tasks can be put in logical groupings, event handler can be attached to tasks, tasks can be chained, cron syntax is also supported, tasks can be prioritized, tasks can be executed in cluster setup, application specific tasks are also supported etc.

To have an overview of all the new features plz refer to my blog here :

Link 1 – Direct Link to blog

Link 2 – Facebook’s Open Graph integrated link to blog


2013-01-29 22:27:12
2013-01-29 22:27:12

Hi Uday,

Thanks very much for considering!


2013-01-29 22:00:22
2013-01-29 22:00:22

Surely we will look into this enhancement

2013-01-29 20:57:18
2013-01-29 20:57:18

Hi Uday,

Please disregard my previous post. Himavanth verified cfschedule’s exclude attribute does not currently support time.

I’ve logged ER #3491695 for this. I hope this is possible to implement, b/c currently we can only exclude dates but not times. Additionally, lack of time support causes unexpected errors (which I note in the above ticket).


2013-01-27 22:54:21
2013-01-27 22:54:21

Hi Uday,

The date and time formats for cfschedule’s exclude attribute are undocumented.

How can we exclude a date AND time. Ex:

That is written to neo-cron.xml as: 2013-01-28T06:30:00+00:00

But the date/time is not excluded. Does cfschedule’s exclude attribute support date AND time? If so, what is the format and can it please be documented?


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